Events calendar of Hochschule Wismar

Wed 5Jun2024

Wismarer DIAlog with Robert Pohle

Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Robert Pohle, Schnelle Bunte Bilder, Berlin, on the topic of "Development of time-based media and media scenography" at the Wismar DIAlog.

show event
Fri 5Jul2024
Sun 7Jul2024

Annual exhibition DIA'24

Hochschule Wismar, Faculty of Architecture and Design, House 7

From July 5th to 7th, 2024, the Faculty of Architecture and Design is planning its annual exhibition DIA'24.

show event
Sat 6Jul2024

DIA'24: Graduates farewell

Theater der Hansestadt Wismar

As part of the annual exhibition DIA'24, the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, Technology,…

show event